4-6 November we met a couple of very good hunters and friends from Denmark, this time we were hunting for Barbary Sheep and Mouflon, a perfect combination possible in our exclusive hunting area in Alicante, a 100% free-range and wild Natural Reserve.
The really high population of Barbaries (males & females) and Mouflons made the hunt even more exciting in this hunting paradise where we could enjoy many different chances to get our trophies. We just started hunting the first morning and 30 minutes later one of our hunters had already shot the male and female of Barbary, two beautiful trophies! The rest of the day we kept trying for mouflons and at the end of the day we had an excellent dinner to celebrate my 50th birthday, anything better than enjoying the company of these two very good friends!!
The next day and after an exciting stalk, a very beautiful Bronze Medal Mouflon showed up feeding quietly in a nice field. After crowling for a few meters trying to get the best shooting position, perfect shot at 120 meters!!
Huge congratulations to our Danish friends! Thanks for your trust and company, looking forward to meeting you 4-5 February to enjoy our Monteria!
Come and join us. This exclusive and private hunting area is perfect to combine NO LIMIT trophies of Barbary and Mouflon in 2-3 hunting days!